The Faculty of Agriculture at the University of Diyala discussed the master thesis titled “Effect of shading and spraying with potassium In the growth of cucumber using the technology of breeding pl

The experiment included the effect of shading and spraying with potassium in some vegetative growth characteristics and the cucumber traits according to the Combined Design Nested using the complete random sections RCBD, Shading factor with three levels of shading (0%, 35% and 65%), Using the Saran lid that symbolizes (L0, L1, L2) respectively, and potassium at four levels was used to sprinkle the total potassium sulfate (0, 4000, 4500 and 5000) mg / l -1 and code (K0, K1, K2 and K3) respectively. Differences between the Duncan multidisciplinary mean scores were tested at a significant level of 0.05.
The experiment was carried out in the field of Gardening and Landscaping at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Diyala during the summer season 2015. The results showed that the shading level was 35% higher than the other levels in dry weight characteristics, number of leaves, the number of flowers, the length of the fruit, the number of fruits, the percentage of the contract, the yield of the plant, the biological yield, and the water efficiency compared to the comparison. The level of 65% was superior to plant height, leaf area, wet weight of total vegetation, length of salinity, nitrogen concentration, phosphorus in leaves, fruit diameter, and percentage of plant moisture content. Whereas the diameter of the stem and the concentration of leaves of chlorophyll, proline, and potassium, the comparison treatment (without shade 0%) showed a significant superiority over the other levels of shading.