Master Thesis discusses the effect of soil cover and spraying with plant extracts in the growth and production of tomatoes

The Faculty of Agriculture at the University of Diyala discussed the Master Thesis (Effect of Soil Covering and Spraying with Plant Extracts in the Growth and Production of Tomatoes) by Ahmed Amer Murad. The experiment included two factors, the first factor is covering the soil, and the second factor is spraying with plant extracts. Seedlings were planted on 6/3/2016 in soil with mud tissue under drip irrigation system. The experiment was applied according to the split-plot design, and in the design of the randomized random segments (RCBD), three replicates were distributed randomly within each sector. Mulching covered the main parts with three levels without coverage, coverage with black polyethylene, and white polynomial known as acryl. In the secondary sections, which included five levels without spraying, spray with the extract of the alliance, sprinkle with the extract of al-Saad, sprinkle with onion extract, and sprinkle with the inclusion of 0.05.
The study was carried out in the field of vegetable experiments in the Department of Gardening and Landscaping at the Faculty of Agriculture / University of Diyala for the spring season 2016.