A training course at the College of Agriculture on methods of combating perennial jungles.

The Department of Field Crops Sciences at the College of Agriculture at the University of Diyala organized a training course entitled (Methods of combating perennial bushes).
The course in which Prof. Dr. Adnan Hussein Al-Wakaa lectured included an indication of the extent of the damages attributed to the bush.
Where the bush is considered one of the dangerous pests that lead to many damages, whether to agricultural production or the various activities of the human being, as well as may harm the health of the human himself. And light, and also some of them secrete toxic substances that weaken the growth of the crop itself, which leads to reducing the production of this crop, and it also reduces the qualities and quality of the product, and it is worth noting that it is known globally that the bush outweighs any damage caused by other combined pests such as insects, nematodes and various plant pathogens So do rodents.
The bush also causes losses in the crops grown in different countries, although these losses differ in their percentage according to the density of the bush and the awareness of the people and the extent of their interest, as the bush causes many damages, including:
Reducing production, decreasing the quality of the asset, decreasing the quantity and quality of animal products, decreasing the value of agricultural and non-agricultural lands, and increasing production costs.
It also has a toxic effect on human and animal health, and is also a host for many diseases and insects that infect humans and plants.
It is possible to classify bush plants in agricultural lands in different regions of Iraq as follows:
Winter annual bush, summer annual bush, transforming bush, and perennial bush.