A professor and a master’s student at the College of Agriculture publish a scientific research in an international journal within the Scopus container.
A professor and a master's student at the College of Agriculture publish a scientific research in an international journal within the Scopus container.
The professor, Dr. Ammar Talib Dhiab, and the master’s student Younis Abbas Khalaf from the Department of Animal Production at the College of Agriculture at the University of Diyala, published a scientific research in the International Scientific Journal of the Indian Ecological Society in the State of India within the Scopus container and labeled (The effect of adding salicylic and tartaric acids and their mixture with water and ration on the productive performance of chickens aged whiteness).
Where the research included knowing the effect of adding tartaric and salicylic acids alone and a mixture of feed and water on the productive efficiency of aged laying hens, class Lohmann brown. Replicators of the transaction.
The results showed a highly significant superiority in the productive performance of birds fed tartaric and salicylic acid alone and in a mixture compared to the control treatment (without addition).