A faculty member from the College of Agriculture participates as a member of the committee for the defense of a Master’s thesis at Tikrit University.

Assistant Professor Ikhlas Mutab Ahmad Marir from the College of Agriculture at Diyala University participated as a member of the committee for the defense of a Master’s thesis at the College of Agriculture, Tikrit University, presented by the student Saja Al-Lail Qanbar Askar Ghaib.
The study conducted by the student provided an in-depth investigation into the effects of salt stress on the propagation of Mandevilla sanderi ex vitro. The aim of the research was to ascertain the impact of different plant parts (growing apex and single node) and the addition of BA and Zeatin to the culture medium on the establishment and multiplication of Brazilian jasmine plants.
Additionally, it examined the response of the branches produced from tissue culture to rooting on MS medium prepared with full and half concentrations of salts. The study assessed the effects of sodium chloride and nano-silicon oxide on morphological, biochemical, physiological, and anatomical traits, as well as the response of plant parts such as leaves and internodes to callus induction on MS medium supplemented with varying concentrations of 2,4-D.
The researcher recommended the use of higher concentrations of sodium chloride and nano-silicon oxide in combination to evaluate the plant’s tolerance to stress, and suggested the utilization of other growth regulators to compensate for the absence of light during callus induction from leaves and internodes. Furthermore, she advocated for the application of nano-silicon oxide to other plant species due to its significance in enhancing plant growth and physiological, biochemical, and anatomical conditions under salt stress.
The results and conclusions reached by the researcher were discussed, and the professor expressed her appreciation for the academic quality of the thesis.